You had a dream, to become bigger, a real planet, but all of them laughed at you, they understimate you, they said that you would never achive your dream.

Don't let them decide your fate, show them what happens when they mess with you.


- Arrows = move

- Z = Shoot

- X = Move slower

- C = Meteor Dash ( when having fire particles )


   Keep moving to increase your spinning energy,  when you have enough (you can tell by the fire particles) you can press C to dash, use it to dodge attacks without taking damaged ot to hit the boss as a risky move.

   Keep an eye on the planets, they spin too,  when they starts spinning faster it means that it's going for an stronger attack, get ready to dodge and wait for an opening.


   Choose between casual mode, for an active experience with checkpoints and infinite lives or hardcore mode for a extreme challenge that you have to complete without dying. Reach the end and see for yourself what happens when you achive your dreams by focusing your anger and hate.


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I respect a man who writes the lore in the description. Well done.

I really like when you enter a game page and you have an intro to the lore, especially for games like these where you don't actually see a story but you can get what's happening later.